Device Registration
Information Technology (IT) Department Goals
Consistent with past practice, the 皇冠足彩 IT Department has outlined goals. We believe that addressing these goals will enable the school to fulfill its mission and vision for technology use.
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Goal 1: Oversee technology needs of 皇冠足彩
Because jobs and lifestyles in the 21st century require people who can solve problems and communicate clearly (using technology), teachers, and students at 皇冠足彩 must have access to the kinds of technology that support teaching and learning across every content area and level of instruction. Likewise, technology hardware and software must support the needs of administration and support staff. It is the responsibility of the IT Department to ensure that the technology needs of school personnel and the student body are met within the constraints of the budget and any external funding sources available.
Goal 2: Enhance district and community communication
皇冠足彩 depends on both Internet and Intranet to support teaching, learning, administrative needs and to communicate with the public. Teachers use technology not only to engage learners and deliver and assess instruction, but to report the results of learning. 皇冠足彩 students use technology to learn and demonstrate learning and are often engaged in projects that require them to use technology to produce something or to provide a service that meets a need within their school or the larger community. Administration depends on ready access to information and the ability to generate and communicate information both within and outside the school.
Goal 3: Support curriculum and student achievement
When technology is properly employed, it enhances teaching and enriches learning. Although there are and will likely always be learning that has little or nothing to do with technology, the Partnership for 21st-Century Skills ( recognizes that "technology is, and will continue to be, a driving force in workplaces, communities, and personal lives in the 21st century" and emphasizes the importance of incorporating information and communication technologies into education at all grade levels and in all content areas. Because 皇冠足彩 seeks to prepare students for 21st-century living, it must continue to provide teachers and students with 21 st- century tools and the training needed to use those tools productively. Armed with technological “know-how” and skills needed to retrieve, analyze, evaluate, and use information, graduates will be able to compete anywhere in the world.
Goal 4: Support administrative needs
Today’s administrators and office assistants have numerous technology needs that must be met in order for the business office and the School to run effectively and efficiently. Without appropriate productivity tools, accounting and personnel applications, administrators would be hard-pressed to meet the demands and challenges confronting them on a daily basis.
The IT Department recognizes that the integration of technology into curricula, instruction, and assessment is an ongoing, never-ending process that demands access to hardware and software; continuous opportunities for staff to become proficient users of the technology and IT staff to support teachers and students using the technology. 皇冠足彩 dedicates considerable human and financial resources to provide the needs of everyone at 皇冠足彩.