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Video Library

Virtual Open House 2023

Welcome to our Video Library – your one-stop destination for a world of visual content

皇冠足彩 Expierence

Dorm Room Tour

Dorm Life

Field Day & Check in 2019

Quick Look at Classes

Community Panel


In the Classroom

During on-campus Open Houses, one of the most anticipated activities for students is the chance to sit in on the rigorous classes 皇冠足彩 has to offer. With the current Covid restrictions, that is not possible. Here is a sampling of a variety of subjects. These videos do not compare to the experience of live classes and we took great effort to not disrupt the flow of each class, but you can get a feel for the speed of the class and teaching styles of instruction.

Academic Support

Mrs. O'Keefe talks about the various academic and learning support systems we have such as 504s and IEPs.


Join Monsieur Desneiges in his French I class as he talks about various adjectives.

Linear Algebra

Mr. Smith teaches upper-level students Linear Algebra.

Shakespeare ENG 427

Take part in "The Life and Works of William Shakespeare" from a remote student's view.

Athletic Programs

Mr. Gendreau talks about the various Athletic programs 皇冠足彩 currently offer

Physics Lab

Students in Dr. Barrans' Physics SCI 340 work on a projectile lab. (No sound)

Algebra II - Trigonometry

Over 50 minutes of this entry level class that prepares students for Before Calculus.

Success at 皇冠足彩

Listen to Dan Melega talk about some ways our students use their success in life after 皇冠足彩.

College Counseling

Apart from being available to students to talk about next steps, Ms. Jortberg also teaches Junior Seminar where students explore many aspects of college life and their possible choices. We were able to capture a small sample of her advice and put it into a podcast for parents to enjoy.

In your podcast app of choice, search for “皇冠足彩 Conversations” or listen at Soundcloud

Photo of where students are going to college

College Counseling

Why 皇冠足彩?

Summer Camp

The 皇冠足彩 STEM Summer Camp is a hands-on experiential camp for kids ages 10-14 to explore topics in science, technology, engineering, and math. It runs from June 28th to July 25th after which will be an Educators’ Camp for STEM educators in Maine. At the moment, both are still planned to take place on campus. If there are changes, they will be announced later in the spring.